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The Manhood Tree

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0/0 Steps
  1. The Manhood Tree: Introduction and Purpose
  2. The Manhood Tree Group Rules
    1 Quiz
  3. Session 1: Your Roots
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Session 2: Neighborhood
    4 Topics
  5. Session 3: Boyhood
    5 Topics
  6. Session 4: Teen and Young Adulthood
    7 Topics
  7. Session 5: Relationships
    8 Topics
  8. Session 6: Brotherhood
    5 Topics
  9. Session 7: Fatherhood
    6 Topics
  10. Session 8: Manhood
    7 Topics
  11. Session 9: Graduation
  12. The Manhood Tree Survey
  13. Additional Resources
Lesson 3, Topic 5
In Progress

Homework: Your Roots

hey October 9, 2021
Lesson Progress
0% Complete


Create a family tree. The purpose of this activity is to close the loop on your Roots. Sit down with your parent or older relative and go back as far as you can with your family history. In addition to identifying names, incorporate locations and significant events into your family tree. Be prepared to share with the group next week.