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The Manhood Tree

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  1. The Manhood Tree: Introduction and Purpose
  2. The Manhood Tree Group Rules
    1 Quiz
  3. Session 1: Your Roots
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Session 2: Neighborhood
    4 Topics
  5. Session 3: Boyhood
    5 Topics
  6. Session 4: Teen and Young Adulthood
    7 Topics
  7. Session 5: Relationships
    8 Topics
  8. Session 6: Brotherhood
    5 Topics
  9. Session 7: Fatherhood
    6 Topics
  10. Session 8: Manhood
    7 Topics
  11. Session 9: Graduation
  12. The Manhood Tree Survey
  13. Additional Resources
Lesson 2 of 13
In Progress

The Manhood Tree Group Rules

hey October 9, 2021
  1. Confidentiality is required in order to have a discussion where participants are able to share their experiences openly and without concern. What is said in this room stays in this room.

  2. All speakers are allowed to complete their thoughts. Do not cut off, interject, or interrupt individuals when they are speaking.

  3. Try not to debate. This discussion is not about back-and-forth. The discussion goal is for men to share from their own experiences and deal with themselves.

  4. Speak from your own experiences.

  5. Do not dominate the discussion; allow others to get in.

  6. Be truthful and open.

  7. Stay engaged in the discussion.