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Improving Your Self Esteem

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  1. Self-Confidence vs Self-Esteem vs Self-Efficacy

    What is confidence?
  2. Self-esteem
  3. Self-efficacy
  4. How to Determine How Confident You Appear to Others
    Find Out How Confident You Appear to Others
  5. Evaluate Current Strengths and Problem Areas
    Achievement log
  6. Set Goals to Improve Your Confidence
    (SMART) goals
  7. Build Self-Confidence by Practicing the Basics
    Change Your Body Language
  8. Dress Smart
  9. Manage Your Mental Attitude
  10. Stop Comparing Yourself
  11. Learn Everything You can about Your Profession
  12. Practical challenges
  13. Take Risks Once You've Gained Enough Self confidence
    Building on your self esteem
  14. Start Benefitting From Greater Self-Confidence Today
    Create Personal Boundaries
Lesson 5 of 14
In Progress

Achievement log

hey December 15, 2020

Now that you’ve got a good idea of how others perceive your confidence level, it’s time to take stock of your strengths and areas of improvement so you can formulate a plan that takes this into account.

Write your top 10 achievements in life in an “achievement log,” this could be anything you’ve done for yourself, your career, your business, or even your friends. Look at this as a warm-up exercise and confidence booster in one. What you write here will also get the juices rolling, so you can easily recall how you’ve handled the situations listed below.

The topics below are often associated with healthy self-confidence. Can you honestly say you’re comfortable doing these things? Can you do them without feeling awkward? If not, what do you think is holding you back?

Making small talk
Meeting someone new
Group conversations where you don’t know everyone
Dressing up
Hosting a party
Negotiating a salary
Delegating a task
Giving and accepting feedback
Asking for a raise
Standing up to authority
Accepting compliments
Public speaking
Put all your notes about this in a well-formatted document, preferably with a column noting your confidence level on a one to ten scale, and another column for notes on why you think that area is a challenge.

All the items above gauge your confidence level on a situational level. Using a SWOT Analysis and different personality tests found online can give you a birds-eye-view level of your strengths and weaknesses.

Test options:

SWOT analysis (from the LivePlan blog)
Self-esteem test (from Psychology Today)

Compare the results with your 1-10 confidence-level assessments on the situations listed above. Do they match or are there differences? To keep things simple, just focus on items the test and your personal assessment both show as an area for improvement.

If you’ve got more than five areas of improvement, prioritize them according to which is easiest to accomplish so you can start with that. This way, you can easily get a quick win, giving you a confidence boost in the process. Score!

Rosenberg Self-esteem scale (from Open