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Improving Your Self Esteem

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  1. Self-Confidence vs Self-Esteem vs Self-Efficacy

    What is confidence?
  2. Self-esteem
  3. Self-efficacy
  4. How to Determine How Confident You Appear to Others
    Find Out How Confident You Appear to Others
  5. Evaluate Current Strengths and Problem Areas
    Achievement log
  6. Set Goals to Improve Your Confidence
    (SMART) goals
  7. Build Self-Confidence by Practicing the Basics
    Change Your Body Language
  8. Dress Smart
  9. Manage Your Mental Attitude
  10. Stop Comparing Yourself
  11. Learn Everything You can about Your Profession
  12. Practical challenges
  13. Take Risks Once You've Gained Enough Self confidence
    Building on your self esteem
  14. Start Benefitting From Greater Self-Confidence Today
    Create Personal Boundaries
Lesson 2 of 14
In Progress


hey December 15, 2020

Self-esteem, on the other hand, includes what you feel about yourself—not just your thoughts and actions. According to Psychology Today, “Esteem” comes from the Latin word “aestimare” that means “to appraise or estimate.” A healthy self-esteem means having the ability to cope with your life, which partly comes from being competent in what you do and a sense of approval from people that matter to you.