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Improving Your Self Esteem

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  1. Self-Confidence vs Self-Esteem vs Self-Efficacy

    What is confidence?
  2. Self-esteem
  3. Self-efficacy
  4. How to Determine How Confident You Appear to Others
    Find Out How Confident You Appear to Others
  5. Evaluate Current Strengths and Problem Areas
    Achievement log
  6. Set Goals to Improve Your Confidence
    (SMART) goals
  7. Build Self-Confidence by Practicing the Basics
    Change Your Body Language
  8. Dress Smart
  9. Manage Your Mental Attitude
  10. Stop Comparing Yourself
  11. Learn Everything You can about Your Profession
  12. Practical challenges
  13. Take Risks Once You've Gained Enough Self confidence
    Building on your self esteem
  14. Start Benefitting From Greater Self-Confidence Today
    Create Personal Boundaries
Lesson 3 of 14
In Progress


hey December 15, 2020

Self-efficacy, based on Bandura’s Theory is like self confidence in the sense that it’s built on your belief that you’ve got the power to affect your life for the better. People who feel like they don’t have control of their future because of external circumstances, bad luck, or some other reason, have low self-efficacy. The difference is self-confidence isn’t limited to future hope; it’s also linked to previous experiences because self-confidence is often acquired through previous successes or mastery of a certain subject.

It’s all interconnected. The way I see it is, first you start building self-confidence and once you’ve got that you’ll feel more in control of your life and destiny (self-efficacy). After that, you’ll eventually build a life and self-image where because you’re not just acting confident on the outside, you actually like yourself who you are.

It’s a long journey to get there, so let’s get on with the first step: building self-confidence that feels authentic to your personality.