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Improving Your Self Esteem

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  1. Self-Confidence vs Self-Esteem vs Self-Efficacy

    What is confidence?
  2. Self-esteem
  3. Self-efficacy
  4. How to Determine How Confident You Appear to Others
    Find Out How Confident You Appear to Others
  5. Evaluate Current Strengths and Problem Areas
    Achievement log
  6. Set Goals to Improve Your Confidence
    (SMART) goals
  7. Build Self-Confidence by Practicing the Basics
    Change Your Body Language
  8. Dress Smart
  9. Manage Your Mental Attitude
  10. Stop Comparing Yourself
  11. Learn Everything You can about Your Profession
  12. Practical challenges
  13. Take Risks Once You've Gained Enough Self confidence
    Building on your self esteem
  14. Start Benefitting From Greater Self-Confidence Today
    Create Personal Boundaries
Lesson 4 of 14
In Progress

Find Out How Confident You Appear to Others

hey December 15, 2020

The first step to improving your self-confidence is taking stock of how others perceive you. Confidence is subjective, what feels like confidence to you may look flaky or arrogant to others or it could be the complete opposite. There are things you might be communicating with your body language you’re not even aware of. What’s considered as confident also differs per culture, that’s why it’s important you get other people’s opinion to get a baseline of where you are and what you need to improve.

Find Out How Confident You Appear to Others
Here are three ways you can find out whether others view you as being self-confident.

Ask “What are three adjectives you would use to describe me?” Make it clear you’re not fishing for a compliment. Are these adjectives consistent with how you see yourself? Is confident or a similar adjective one of those words?
Go through previous recommendations and performance reviews you’ve received. Find comments about how you relate to others, if you speak up in meetings, or if you’ve ever shown initiative in leading a new project or presentation, as all these are signs of self-confidence at work.
Compare your actions in the table below, which are you more likely to exhibit?
Confident Behavior

Low Self-Confidence

Doing what you feel is right even if others criticize you

Acting based on what you think will win your peers and manager’s approval

The ability to take calculated risks

Staying in your comfort zone for fear of failure and rejection

Knowing how to accept compliments graciously

Downplaying or ignoring compliments

Owning up to your mistakes

Passing blame, or covering it up until you can fix them